After Shaving a Man Needs The Scent Of Aftershave
Most man shave at least a few times a week
because they enjoy a smooth, clean look. However, there is one by
product of shaving, it leaves the surface of a man's skin sensitive and
vulnerable. The pores are open and the skin has been roughed up by
dragging a sharp razor across the face. Right after shaving the man will
usually rinse off his face and then apply cold water in an attempt to
close down the pores and then splash on some aftershave. That can be a
shocking experience. Alcohol based aftershave will definitely close down
those facial pores which is what causes the characteristic stinging.
But that's not bad. Many men don't mind the sharp stinging, in fact they
relish it because of the bracing, refreshing feeling they get. For
other men, an aftershave balm, more like a lotion, is there preferred
Aftershave to smooth a man's face.
If your choosing an aftershave for a man keep in mind the differences between an alcohol based and a lotion based aftershave. Alcohol based aftershave will provide a mild scent for only a short time period because the alcohol will tend to evaporate pretty quickly. While a lotion is smooth to put on it usually doesn't provide the bracing effect that some men really enjoy. Be sure and spend some time on the internet when shopping for the aftershave of your choice.
Aftershave to smooth a man's face.
If your choosing an aftershave for a man keep in mind the differences between an alcohol based and a lotion based aftershave. Alcohol based aftershave will provide a mild scent for only a short time period because the alcohol will tend to evaporate pretty quickly. While a lotion is smooth to put on it usually doesn't provide the bracing effect that some men really enjoy. Be sure and spend some time on the internet when shopping for the aftershave of your choice.
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