Sunday, 22 January 2012

Effect of Perfumed Candles and Flowers

Effect of Perfumed Candles and Flowers
‘Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food, and medicine to the soul.’

From time immemorial, humans have tapped the power of flowers. Perfumes are made from flowers, oils are extracted from them and in whichever form, they have a positive effect on the human psyche. Flowers are a delight to behold and its fragrance has a lingering, therapeutic quality. Recent Scientific studies have shown that flowers have more effect on humans than previously believed. It is the simplest way to improve emotional health. So, it is not without reason that you find joy and peace with flowers around you and a perfumed candle wafting delicate scents, through the air.

Many studies have shown that a pleasing, natural aroma can have a positive psychological effect on the body. A blend of essential oils and scents in proper proportions has many health benefits, as can be seen from aromatherapy. The presence of flowers triggers happy emotions, heightens feelings of life satisfaction and affects social behavior in a positive manner. Psychological research has shown that flowers bring about positive emotional feelings in those who enter a room. They make the space more welcoming and create a sharing atmosphere. People demonstrate extraordinary delight and gratitude, on receiving flowers as gifts. Flowers also negate feelings of depression anxiety and agitation. Flowers are known to make intimate connections, as well. Anything other than the red rose, cannot bring out the romantic emotions hidden with in!

Although humans have known the power of flowers for ages, perfumed candles are a recent addition. Soft scents of perfumed candles wafting through the air can be both, uplifting and energizing. Candles are perfumed by adding perfumed oils like jasmine, lavender, sandalwood etc or dried and crushed scented flowers to melted wax. Citrus scents enhance energy and boost mood, lavender and sandalwood relax the body by reducing heart rate, lowering blood pressure, arterial pressure and muscle tension; mint or pine fragrances make the atmosphere cheerful and bright; Jasmine, Gardenia, Sandalwood, and Rose Scents create the perfect background for romantic set ups. To create a cozy winter environment, choose cinnamon, apple and pine scented candles.
Flowers and perfumed candles have a romantic and luxurious feel associated with them. Perfumed candles, together with their colored flames and scents can brighten up any day. The best memories are often created by candlelight as the subtle, evocative fragrance released from them creates the right ambiance. Flickering candlelight in a sensual glow, make for a perfect romantic evening, the scents, moods and memories of which linger on long after the flames blow out. And it was probably the beauty of flowers that inspired John Keats when he said, ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’!

Anniversary Gifts and Perfumes

Anniversary Gifts and Perfumes

How many times has your anniversary come around and you quickly rush out to buy something, anything from a myriad of anniversary gifts and perfumes available. Everyone has probably been there, waiting until the last minute and then feeling a little guilty because the gift didn't quite say what you wanted it to say. Historically anniversary gifts and perfumes have consisted of things like cotton for the 2nd anniversary and ivory for the fourteenth. Who wants to give or receive those kind of gifts these days?
Modern anniversary gifts and perfumes.
Here's a suggestion if you're really not sure what to give your spouse. Why not try perfume for her or cologne for him. Admit it, every once in a while you've smelled a certain fragrance on someone else that made you stop and really take notice, right? Sure everyone has. Why not go ahead and buy that special fragrance and give it as anniversary gifts and perfumes? It would make the perfect, personal gift that your spouse would enjoy and appreciate every time they put it on; and you would too.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Differences Between Perfume And Perfume Oils

Differences Between Perfume And Perfume Oils

The history of perfume oils dates back to ancient Egypt when these fine scented oils were presented to royalty as gifts. In modern times, however, when the word "perfume" is said, most people think of department store fragrances, which consist mainly of the concentrated oil and alcohol solution. Nevertheless, as more and more people are finding out about them, perfume oils are experiencing great popularity. Here are some interesting facts about perfume oils:

1) Strength of smell - Perfume oils are highly concentrated and up to ten times more concentrated than department store perfumes. This quality allows oils to last longer than their eau de perfume counterparts.

2) Alcohol - Perfumes have alcohol in them, which creates different smell effects. Most body oils use carrier oils like jojoba or grapeseed oil in place of alcohol. In some fragrances, the smell can change as the alcohol evaporates different scent notes through time. With oils, the scent is more constant.

3) Price - A noticeable difference between perfumes and perfume oils is price. Perfumes have a very high markup and great profit margins, which is perhaps why many celebrities have embarked on the trend of creating their own perfumes and colognes. Perfume oils can be sold very cheaply, or even more expensively than the perfumes, depending on how they are positioned in the market.

4) Body chemistry - Just because a perfume or cologne smells good on you, doesn't mean that the oil version will. Perfumes only have a small percentage of oil, so they are quite different than pure body oils. This interaction between the fragrance and your body may produce a different scent perception altogether.

5) Packaging - Clearly, department store perfumes are very nicely packaged and thus make great gifts for friends and family. Many perfume oils are sold in less attractive containers, which is part of the reason for their lower price.

6) Uses - Perfumes are only intended for use on the body, but perfume oils can be used to create a variety of scented products, like soap, candles, bath oils, air fresheners, and many other types of scented products. Be aware that there are different types of fragrance oils and that pure uncut oils are not safe for use on the skin.

In summary, whether you choose to use perfume oils or not will depend on the factors above. Try out a small sample first and who knows, you might just discover a delightful new product to add to your personal inventory.

Note: If you find this article useful, you may reprint it on your website, e-zine, or in your newsletter as long as the credits and resource box remain in tact and the hyperlinks are active.

Love of Perfume by both Men and Women

Love of Perfume by both Men and Women

The love of perfume by both men and women may be completely instinctual and somehow related to sexuality. However, the fact is that perfume just plain smells great and therefore puts us in a good mood. Who doesn't like something that smells good-be it a pot roast or a garden lily? Of course, pot roast has a tendency to make us what does the smell of fine perfume make us? There has to be a really good reason why perfume is so popular, now doesn't there??

New Perfumes

New  Perfumes

And yet, women do move on to new perfumes and always seem to be on the search for a new scent to adorn their bodies. Of course, it is not surprising for some higher end perfumes to cost $100's of dollars per bottle which is why a large number of women and men find themselves shopping for their favorite brands online. The Internet can also be a great place to find deals on new perfumes and fragrances as most websites generally offer a much greater selection than traditional stores. 

vivid of memories

Vivid of Memories

 As the sense of smell can recall the most vivid of memories, it is this unique scent of a woman combined with her perfume that people tend to remember most when thinking of that person. Men will often buy the same perfume for a woman even years after she has ceased using it because it is the scent they have come to identify with that woman.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Beautifull Video of Perfumes

Beautifull Video of Perfumes